Spanish QC

Resource type

This resource are 6305 spanish tagged questions for question answering classification, following the taxonomy defined in the paper “X. Li and D. Roth. Learning Question Classifiers”, and having the following general and detailed categories:

  • ABBR: abbreviation, expansion
  • DESC: definition, description, manner, reason
  • ENTY: animal, body, color, creation, currency, disease/medical, event, food, instrument, language, letter, other, plant, product, religion, sport, substance, symbol, technique, term, vehicle, word
  • HUM: description, group, individual, title
  • LOC: city, country, mountain, other, state
  • NUM code, count, date, distance, money, order, other, percent, period, speed, temperature, size, weight

Starting from a set of labeled questions for English, it has created this resource with various questions in Spanish labeled and checked by 3 people.

García-Cumbreras, M. A., Ureña-López, L. A. & Martínez-Santiago, F. (2006). BRUJA: Question Classification for Spanish. Using Machine Translation and an English Classifier. EACL 2006 Workshop on Multilingual Question Answering – MLQA06.