Información de contacto
- Universidad de Jaén
- Ingeniería Informática
Perfil investigador
Orcid ID
- Collecting specialty-related medical terms: Development and evaluation of a resource for Spanish.
- Transfer Learning for Classifying Spanish and English Text by Clinical Specialties.
- How Successful Is Transfer Learning for Detecting Anorexia on Social Media?
- Automatic medical protocol classification using machine learning approaches.
- Automatic medical protocol classification using machine learning approaches
- NECOS: An annotated corpus to identify constructive news comments in Spanish
- NECOS: An annotated corpus to identify constructive news comments in Spanish,NECOS: Un corpus anotado para identificar comentarios constructivos de noticias en español
- Transfer Learning for Classifying Spanish and English Text by Clinical Specialties
- COVID-19 detection in radiological text reports integrating entity recognition.
- Leveraging PubMed to Create a Specialty-Based Sense Inventory for Spanish Acronym Resolution.
- An Integrated Approach to Biomedical Term Identification Systems
- COVID-19 detection in radiological text reports integrating entity recognition
- Detection of unexpected findings in radiology reports: A comparative study of machine learning approaches
- Extracting neoplasms morphology mentions in Spanish clinical cases throughword embeddings
- Extracting neoplasms morphology mentions in spanish clinical cases through word embeddings
- Leveraging PubMed to Create a Specialty-Based Sense Inventory for Spanish Acronym Resolution
- Named entity recognition in Spanish applied to the biomedical domain,Reconocimiento de Entidades Nombradas en espanol aplicado al dominio biomédico
- Recognition of biomedical entities in spanish by combining word embeddings,Reconocimiento de entidades biomédicas para el Español mediante la combinación de word embeddings
- SINAI at CLEF eHealth 2020: testing different pre-trained word embeddings for clinical coding in Spanish
- Sinai at ehealth-kd challenge 2020: Combining word embeddings for named entity recognition in Spanish medical records
- Transfer learning applied to text classification in Spanish radiological reports
- Anonymization of Clinical Reports in Spanish: a Hybrid Method Based on Machine Learning and Rules.
- Anonymization of clinical reports in Spanish: A hybrid method based on machine learning and rules
- Detecting anorexia in Spanish tweets
- Integrating UMLs for early detection of sings of anorexia
- TREC 2019 Precision Medicine-Medical University of Graz.
- Using Snomed to recognize and index chemical and drug mentions.
- Biomedical semantic information retrieval,Buscador Semántico Biomedico
- Buscador Semántico Biomédico
- Filtering and reranking using MetaMap named entities recognizer.
- Machine learning to detect ICD10 codes in causes of death
- SINAI at CLEF eHealth 2018 Task 3. Using cTAKES to Remove Noise from Expanding Queries with Google.
- SINAI at CLEF eHealth 2018 Task 3. Using cTAKES to remove noise from expanding queries with Google
- SINAI at DIANN - IberEval 2018. Annotating disabilities in multi-language systems with UMLS
- SINAI in TASS 2018 Task 3. Classifying actions and concepts with UMLS on MedLine,SINAI en TASS 2018 Task 3. Clasificando acciones y conceptos con UMLS en MedLine
- Combining word embeddings to extract chemical and drug entities in biomedical literature
- Natural Language Processing in Pathology: Current Trends and Future Insights.
- Natural Language Processing in Radiology: Update on Clinical Applications.
- Biomedical entities recognition in Spanish combining word embeddings
- A social monitor for detecting inappropriate behavior,Monitor social para detectar comportamientos inapropiados
- Bert representations to identify professions and employment statuses in health data
- Pre-trained language models to extract information from radiological reports
- Collecting Specialty-related Medical Terms: Development and Evaluation of a Resource for Spanish
- Biomedical Semantic Information Retrieval
- Knowledge integration for improving information retrieval systems,Integración de Conocimiento para la Mejora de Sistemas de Recuperación de Información
- Machine Learning to Detect ICD10 Codes in Causes of Death.
- SINAI at DIANN-IberEval 2018. Annotating disabilities in multi-language systems with UMLS
- SINAI en TASS 2018 Task 3. Clasificando acciones y conceptos con UMLS en MedLine
- SINAI en TASS 2018 Task 3. Clasificando acciones y conceptos con UMLS en MedLine (SINAI in TASS 2018 Task 3. Classifying actions and concepts with UMLS on MedLine).
- Using clustering to filter results of an Information Retrieval system.
- Named entity recognition in Spanish medical reports,Reconocimiento de entidades en informes médicos en español
- CARES: A Corpus for classification of Spanish Radiological reports
- Radiology in the era of large language models: the near and the dark side of the moon
- Radiology, explicability and AI: closing the gap
- Natural Language Processing in Pathology Current Trends and Future Insights
- SHARE: A Lexicon of Harmful Expressions by Spanish Speakers
- Using machine learning and deep learning methods to find mentions of adverse drug reactions in social media
- Artificial Intelligence in Radiology: A Fast-Food Versus Slow-Food Question?
- Automatic classification and prioritisation of actionable BI-RADS categories using natural language processing models
- Reply to the letter to the editor: “A critical evaluation on the use of large language model for radiology research”
- Reply to the Letter to the Editor: “Radiology in the era of large language models: additional facts to consider in the near and the dark side of the moon”
- Natural language processing deep learning models for the differential between high-grade gliomas and metastasis: what if the key is how we report them?
- SINAI at CLEF 2022: Leveraging biomedical transformers to detect and normalize disease mentions
- SINAI at LivingNER Shared Task 2022: Species Mention Recognition and Normalization Using Transfer Learning and String Matching Techniques
- Identifying professions & occupations in Health-related Social Media using Natural Language Processing
- SINAI at SemEval-2021 Task 5: Combining Embeddings in a BiLSTM-CRF model for Toxic Spans Detection
- TREC 2019 Precision Medicine - Medical University of Graz
- Filtering and reranking using MetaMap named entities recognizer
- Using clustering to filter results of an Information Retrieval system
- Imagine there is no paperwork… it’s easy if you try
- Automatic generation of conclusions from neuroradiology MRI reports through natural language processing
- Evaluation of large language models performance against humans for summarizing MRI knee radiology reports: A feasibility study
- Comparative evaluation of image-based vs. text-based vs. multimodal AI approaches for automatic breast density assessment in mammograms
- Automatic text classification of prostate cancer malignancy scores in radiology reports using NLP models
- Large language models in Radiology: The importance of fine-tuning and the fable of the luthier
- Role of Natural Language Processing in Automatic Detection of Unexpected Findings in Radiology Reports: A Comparative Study of RoBERTa, CNN, and ChatGPT
- Role of advanced MRI sequences for thyroid lesions assessment. A narrative review
- AI in radiology: Legal responsibilities and the car paradox
- Automatic TNM staging of colorectal cancer radiology reports using pre-trained language models
- The added value of including thyroid nodule features into large language models for automatic ACR TI-RADS classification based on ultrasound reports
- Automated MRI pituitary structured reporting from free-text using a fine-tuned Llama model: a feasibility study